Active Writing Prompts and Linkups

Dan Julian
1 min readJan 7, 2018


Hello Medium!

I have just become a Medium user, and this is my first offering here.

I am a reader and a writer and am currently enjoying letting the prompts and challenges provided by various sites inspire my writing and blog posts.

Here are those of which I am presently aware:



  • Monday :
  1. Ronovan Writes
  2. Limerick-Off Monday
  1. 100 Word Wednesday
  2. One-line Wednesday
  3. Weekly Tanka Challenge
  4. Poetic Asides
  • Thursday :
  1. Three Line Tales
  2. Thursday Photo Prompt
  3. Carrot Ranch


Weekend Writing Prompt


Story A Day


See also

Curious as a Cat

I would love for this (admittedly minimalist) Medium story to spark a discussion in which other writing prompts and challenges come to light.

It would also be wonderful to hear about anyone’s experience participating in any prompted writing exercise, challenge, or linkup.


Dan Julian



Dan Julian

Yet another content consumer, creator, and curator...